What is Cloud PBX?
Also known Hosted PBX or Virtual PBX, meaning that all of the telephone routing services are performed by your VoIP provider.
What is VOIP?
Voice over Internet Protocol is the delivery of voice communications over Internet Protocol networks, such as the Internet. Most international long distance calls are made using VOIP.
Is VOIP better than landlines?
Yes. VOIP lines have more features than landlines. Landlines are slowly being phased out.
Do I get to keep my existing number?
Yes, we can port your number and keep using it.
Can I fax from the internet?
Yes, you can fax from anywhere there is internet, using our Web Admin Portal.
Have a question not listed here?
Contact us.
How to contact us?
Call 718-481-6400, email voip@connexsion.net or use the Contact Page.